These programs are mostly the third-party ones that you have installed on your Windows 10machine or simply bloatwares that attach themselves to the setup process of these freeware that you find in certain webpages embedded in ads claiming to solve problems or kill threats on your computer but the truth is they are just click advertisements that are designed to boost income of a website or a certain ad.

Yes! We need to know the cause of a certain problem in order to properly address its effects or even eliminate the effects totally and the same is true when we’re dealing with problems in our computers.įor longer boot up process, the most common cause of it are programs that run on Start up. They say that the most effective way in solving a problem, no matter what type of a challenge it is that we face is killing the cause. In this tutorial, we will be learning about the cause of this problem and solve it using a simple solution that you should have been doing since you got your Windows 10 machine so be sure to get your computer fired up and follow the steps that are going to be shown below. While Microsoft claims that Windows 10 is the fastest Windows operating system version in terms of booting up, there could still be times that it would take time to take you to the Lock screen because of the existence of startup programs that drags the boot up process and adds load to it making the OS take longer to complete an otherwise quick process. One of these possible problems that can come to the surface is having Windows take too long to boot up. This operating system has really changed the way we do office tasks and many other things in our life! But no matter how perfect Windows is being a PC or laptop OS, there still are problems that can strike anytime especially if you are using it for different tasks and add more and more functions and features to it using third-party software. In fact, if you take a tour on most offices, you’ll surely see at least one computer in almost all of them that runs on Windows. From the simple Windows XP down to the newer editions that followed such as Windows Vista, Windows 7, this software program has really been a hit to millions if not billions of users around the world. The Windows operating system has been around for a quite some time and it has been evolving since.